
As with other advanced technologies, an opportunity for disparity exists for those without access. Lack of computers or access to them, people who are not technologically savvy, those with lower literacy levels, those with decreased trust in medical professionals and systems, and non-English speaking people may suffer without supports in place (Layman, 2008; Wynia & Dunn, 2010).

In the literature reviewed, concerns that the implementation of EHRs would put vulnerable populations further at risk were raised. Layman (2008) stated there is potential for disparity not only in the way resources are provided, but also that certain groups may have inequitable public disclosure of health information. She also reported that age is a factor when considering equity as a majority of people over age 65 stated they had never gone online in a U.S. survey. These are the people that often have chronic diseases and would benefit from online communication with healthcare professionals.

Our animation reviewed this disparity when the client voiced concerns about not having money for diapers "let alone a computer". It would be a mistake to assume that technology use in electronic health records would benefit everyone. Our nurse may have made the patient defensive or embarrassed when she had to tell her that she did not have a computer or access to one.